
49 lines
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package sql
import (
// TimelineStore is the interface to post timelines in the database.
type TimelineStore struct {
q Querier
// NewTimelineStore creates a new TimelineStore instance.
func NewTimelineStore(q Querier) *TimelineStore {
return &TimelineStore{q: q}
type TimelinePost struct {
func (s *TimelineStore) Home(ctx context.Context, accountID ulid.ULID, limit int, before, after *ulid.ULID) ([]TimelinePost, error) {
q := sqlf.Sprintf("SELECT p.*, b.account_id,, b.domain FROM posts p JOIN blogs b ON = p.blog_id")
q = sqlf.Sprintf("%v WHERE (blog_id IN (%s) OR blog_id IN (%s))", q,
sqlf.Sprintf("SELECT id FROM blogs WHERE account_id = %s", accountID),
sqlf.Sprintf("SELECT blog_id FROM account_follows WHERE account_id = %s", accountID))
if before != nil {
q = sqlf.Sprintf("%v AND id < %s", q, *before)
if after != nil {
q = sqlf.Sprintf("%v AND id > %s", q, *after)
q = sqlf.Sprintf("%v AND (visibility != %s OR (b.account_id = %s OR %s IN (%s)))", q, database.DirectVisibility, accountID, accountID,
sqlf.Sprintf("SELECT account_id FROM blogs WHERE id IN (SELECT blog_id FROM post_recipients WHERE post_id ="))
if limit <= 0 || limit > 100 {
limit = 100
q = sqlf.Sprintf("%v ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT %d", q, limit)
return Select[TimelinePost](ctx, s.q, q)