import pytest import pytest_asyncio from sqlalchemy import text, delete from foxnouns.db import Base from foxnouns.settings import DATABASE # Override the database name to the testing database DATABASE["NAME"] = f"{DATABASE['NAME']}_test" def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items): """Ensure that all async tests use the same event loop.""" pytest_asyncio_tests = ( item for item in items if pytest_asyncio.is_async_test(item) ) session_scope_marker = pytest.mark.asyncio(scope="session") for async_test in pytest_asyncio_tests: async_test.add_marker(session_scope_marker, append=False) @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def setup(): """Migrate the testing database to the latest migration, and once the tests complete, clear the database again.""" from foxnouns.db.sync import engine from alembic import command, config cfg = config.Config("alembic.ini") cfg.attributes["connection"] = engine.connect() command.upgrade(cfg, "head") yield with engine.begin() as session: Base.metadata.drop_all(session) session.execute(text("DROP TABLE alembic_version")) session.commit() @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True) def clean_tables_after_tests(): """Clean tables after every test.""" yield from foxnouns.db.sync import engine with engine.begin() as session: for table in reversed(Base.metadata.sorted_tables): session.execute(delete(table)) session.commit() @pytest_asyncio.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) async def app(): from import app return app