[tool.poetry] name = "foxnouns" version = "0.1.0" description = "" authors = ["sam "] license = "Apache-2.0" readme = "README.md" [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.11" sqlalchemy = { extras = ["asyncio"], version = "^2.0.28" } psycopg = "^3.1.18" celery = { extras = ["redis"], version = "^5.3.6" } quart = "^0.19.4" # Temporary until a release containing this commit is made: # https://github.com/pgjones/quart-schema/commit/9f4455a1363c6edd2b23b898c554e52a9ce6d00f quart-schema = { git = "https://github.com/pgjones/quart-schema.git" } # quart-schema = { extras = ["pydantic"], version = "^0.19.1" } pydantic = "^2.6.3" itsdangerous = "^2.1.2" uvicorn = "^0.28.0" asyncpg = "^0.29.0" environs = "^11.0.0" alembic = "^1.13.1" quart-cors = "^0.7.0" [tool.poetry.group.dev] optional = true [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] ruff = "^0.3.4" [tool.poetry.group.test] optional = true [tool.poetry.group.test.dependencies] pytest = "^8.0.2" pytest-asyncio = "^0.23.5.post1" [tool.poe.tasks.dev] help = "Run a development server with auto-reload" cmd = "env QUART_APP=foxnouns.app:app quart --debug run --reload" [tool.poe.tasks.server] help = "Run a production server" cmd = "uvicorn 'foxnouns.app:app'" [tool.poe.tasks.migrate] help = "Migrate the database to the latest revision" cmd = "alembic upgrade head" [tool.poe.tasks] test = "pytest" lint = "ruff check" format = "ruff format" "check-imports" = "ruff check --select I" "sort-imports" = "ruff check --select I --fix" [tool.pytest.ini_options] addopts = ["--import-mode=importlib"] [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"