sam 74222ead45
feat(frontend): replace placeholder avatar with identicons
i don't actually know what the license on the kitten image is, and while
it's very unlikely, i don't want to get into legal trouble. it was only
ever supposed to be a temporary image, too.

identicons aren't the prettiest but at least they have a clear license
2024-12-03 15:19:52 +01:00

81 lines
1.9 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import Avatar from "$components/Avatar.svelte";
import { t } from "$lib/i18n";
import { Icon, InputGroup } from "@sveltestrap/sveltestrap";
import { encode } from "base64-arraybuffer";
import prettyBytes from "pretty-bytes";
import ShortNoscriptWarning from "./ShortNoscriptWarning.svelte";
type Props = {
name: string;
current: string | null;
alt: string;
update: (avatar: string) => Promise<void>;
updated: boolean;
let { name, current, alt, update: onclick, updated }: Props = $props();
const MAX_AVATAR_BYTES = 1_000_000;
let avatarFiles: FileList | null = $state(null);
let avatar: string = $state("");
let avatarExists = $derived(avatar !== "");
let avatarTooLarge = $derived(avatar !== "" && avatar.length > MAX_AVATAR_BYTES);
$effect(() => {
const getAvatar = async (list: FileList | null) => {
if (!list || list.length === 0) {
avatar = "";
const buffer = await list[0].arrayBuffer();
const base64 = encode(buffer);
const uri = `data:${list[0].type};base64,${base64}`;
avatar = uri;
<p class="text-center">
<Avatar {name} url={avatarExists ? avatar : current} {alt} />
<InputGroup class="mb-2">
accept="image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/webp"
class="btn btn-secondary"
disabled={!avatarExists || avatarTooLarge}
onclick={() => onclick(avatar)}
<ShortNoscriptWarning />
{#if updated}
<p class="text-success-emphasis">
<Icon name="check-circle-fill" />
{#if avatarTooLarge}
<p class="text-danger-emphasis">
<Icon name="exclamation-circle-fill" />
{$t("edit-profile.file-too-large", {
max: prettyBytes(MAX_AVATAR_BYTES),
current: prettyBytes(avatar.length),