macOS runs a service on port 5000 by default. this doesn't actually prevent the backend server from *starting*, or the rate limiter proxy from working, but it *does* mean that when the backend restarts, if the proxy sends a request, it will stop working until it's restarted. the easiest way to work around this is by just changing the port the backend listens on. this does not change the ports used in the docker configuration.
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; The host the server will listen on
Host = localhost
; The port the server will listen on
Port = 6000
; The base *external* URL
BaseUrl = https://pronouns.localhost
; The base URL for media, without a trailing slash. This must be publicly accessible.
MediaBaseUrl = https://cdn-staging.pronouns.localhost
; The level to log things at. Valid settings: Verbose, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Fatal
LogEventLevel = Debug
; The URL to the Seq instance (optional)
SeqLogUrl = http://localhost:5341
; The Sentry DSN to log to (optional)
SentryUrl =
; Whether to trace performance with Sentry (optional)
SentryTracing = true
; Percentage of performance traces to send to Sentry (optional). Defaults to 0.0 (no traces at all)
SentryTracesSampleRate = 1.0
; Whether to log SQL queries. Note that this is very verbose. Defaults to false.
LogQueries = false
; Whether metrics are enabled. If this is set to true, Foxnouns.NET will rely on Prometheus scraping metrics to update stats.
; If set to false, a background service will be used instead. Does not actually disable the /metrics endpoint.
; Defaults to false.
EnableMetrics = true
; The port the /metrics endpoint will listen on. Defaults to 5001.
MetricsPort = 5001
; The database URL in ADO.NET format.
Url = "Host=localhost;Database=foxnouns_net;Username=pronouns;Password=pronouns"
; Whether to enable connection pooling. This should be turned off if using pgbouncer. Defaults to true.
EnablePooling = true
; The timeout for opening new connections. Defaults to 5.
Timeout = 5
; The maximum number of open connections. Defaults to 50.
MaxPoolSize = 50
Endpoint = <s3EndpointHere>
AccessKey = <s3AccessKey>
SecretKey = <s3SecretKey>
Bucket = pronounscc
; The address that emails will be sent from. If not set, email auth is disabled.
From =
; The Coravel mail driver configuration. Keys should be self-explanatory.
Host = localhost
Port = 1025
Username = smtp-username
Password = smtp-password
ClientId = <clientIdHere>
ClientSecret = <clientSecretHere>