using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Web; using Foxnouns.Backend.Database; using Foxnouns.Backend.Database.Models; using Foxnouns.Backend.Extensions; using Foxnouns.Backend.Utils; using Humanizer; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace Foxnouns.Backend.Services.Auth; public class RemoteAuthService( Config config, ILogger logger, DatabaseContext db, KeyCacheService keyCacheService ) { private readonly ILogger _logger = logger.ForContext(); private readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new(); private readonly Uri _discordTokenUri = new(""); private readonly Uri _discordUserUri = new(""); public async Task RequestDiscordTokenAsync( string code, CancellationToken ct = default ) { var redirectUri = $"{config.BaseUrl}/auth/callback/discord"; HttpResponseMessage resp = await _httpClient.PostAsync( _discordTokenUri, new FormUrlEncodedContent( new Dictionary { { "client_id", config.DiscordAuth.ClientId! }, { "client_secret", config.DiscordAuth.ClientSecret! }, { "grant_type", "authorization_code" }, { "code", code }, { "redirect_uri", redirectUri }, } ), ct ); if (!resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string respBody = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(ct); _logger.Error( "Received error status {StatusCode} when exchanging OAuth token: {ErrorBody}", (int)resp.StatusCode, respBody ); throw new FoxnounsError("Invalid Discord OAuth response"); } resp.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); DiscordTokenResponse? token = await resp.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync( ct ); if (token == null) throw new FoxnounsError("Discord token response was null"); var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, _discordUserUri); req.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"{token.token_type} {token.access_token}"); HttpResponseMessage resp2 = await _httpClient.SendAsync(req, ct); resp2.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); DiscordUserResponse? user = await resp2.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync(ct); if (user == null) throw new FoxnounsError("Discord user response was null"); return new RemoteUser(, user.username); } [SuppressMessage( "ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming", Justification = "Easier to use snake_case here, rather than passing in JSON converter options" )] [UsedImplicitly] private record DiscordTokenResponse(string access_token, string token_type); [SuppressMessage( "ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming", Justification = "Easier to use snake_case here, rather than passing in JSON converter options" )] [UsedImplicitly] private record DiscordUserResponse(string id, string username); public record RemoteUser(string Id, string Username); /// /// Validates whether a user can still add a new account of the given AuthType, and throws an error if they can't. /// /// The user to check. /// The auth type to check. /// The optional fediverse instance to generate a state for. /// A state for the given auth type and user ID. /// The given user can't add another account of this type. /// This exception should not be caught by controller code. public async Task ValidateAddAccountRequestAsync( Snowflake userId, AuthType authType, string? instance = null ) { int existingAccounts = await db .AuthMethods.Where(m => m.UserId == userId && m.AuthType == authType) .CountAsync(); if (existingAccounts > AuthUtils.MaxAuthMethodsPerType) { throw new ApiError.BadRequest( $"Too many linked {authType.Humanize()} accounts, maximum of {AuthUtils.MaxAuthMethodsPerType} per account." ); } return HttpUtility.UrlEncode( await keyCacheService.GenerateAddExtraAccountStateAsync(authType, userId, instance) ); } /// /// Checks whether the given state is correct for the given user/auth type combination. /// /// The state doesn't match. /// This exception should not be caught by controller code. public async Task ValidateAddAccountStateAsync( string state, Snowflake userId, AuthType authType, string? instance = null ) { AddExtraAccountState? accountState = await keyCacheService.GetAddExtraAccountStateAsync( state ); if ( accountState == null || accountState.AuthType != authType || accountState.UserId != userId || (instance != null && accountState.Instance != instance) ) throw new ApiError.BadRequest("Invalid state", "state", state); } }