import { ActionFunction } from "@remix-run/node"; import { UserSettings } from "~/lib/api/user"; import serverRequest, { getCookie, writeCookie } from "~/lib/request.server"; // Handles theme switching // Remix itself handles redirecting back to the original page after the setting is set // // Note: this function is currently unused. Bootstrap only lets us switch themes with either prefers-color-scheme // *or* a programmatic switch using data-bs-theme, not both. // If the Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme header ( // is added to Firefox and Safari, the dark mode setting should be reworked to use it instead. // As it stands, using prefers-color-scheme is the only way // to respect the operating system's dark mode setting without using JavaScript. export const action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => { const body = await request.formData(); const theme = (body.get("theme") as string | null) || "auto"; const token = getCookie(request, "pronounscc-token"); if (token) { await serverRequest("PATCH", "/users/@me/settings", { token, body: { dark_mode: theme === "auto" ? null : theme === "dark", }, }); return new Response(null, { status: 204, }); } return new Response(null, { headers: { "Set-Cookie": writeCookie("pronounscc-theme", theme), }, status: 204, }); };