using System.Security.Cryptography; using Foxnouns.Backend.Database; using Foxnouns.Backend.Database.Models; using Foxnouns.Backend.Utils; using Hangfire.Dashboard; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using NodaTime; namespace Foxnouns.Backend.Middleware; public class AuthenticationMiddleware(DatabaseContext db, IClock clock) : IMiddleware { public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext ctx, RequestDelegate next) { var endpoint = ctx.GetEndpoint(); var metadata = endpoint?.Metadata.GetMetadata(); if (metadata == null) { await next(ctx); return; } var header = ctx.Request.Headers.Authorization.ToString(); if (!AuthUtils.TryFromBase64String(header, out var rawToken)) { await next(ctx); return; } var hash = SHA512.HashData(rawToken); var oauthToken = await db.Tokens .Include(t => t.Application) .Include(t => t.User) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Hash == hash && t.ExpiresAt > clock.GetCurrentInstant() && !t.ManuallyExpired); if (oauthToken == null) { await next(ctx); return; } ctx.SetToken(oauthToken); await next(ctx); } } public static class HttpContextExtensions { private const string Key = "token"; public static void SetToken(this HttpContext ctx, Token token) => ctx.Items.Add(Key, token); public static User? GetUser(this HttpContext ctx) => ctx.GetToken()?.User; public static User GetUserOrThrow(this HttpContext ctx) => ctx.GetUser() ?? throw new ApiError.AuthenticationError("No user in HttpContext"); public static Token? GetToken(this HttpContext ctx) { if (ctx.Items.TryGetValue(Key, out var token)) return token as Token; return null; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)] public class AuthenticateAttribute : Attribute; /// /// Authentication filter for the Hangfire dashboard. Uses the cookie created by the frontend /// (and otherwise only read by the frontend) to only allow admins to use it. /// public class HangfireDashboardAuthorizationFilter(IServiceProvider services) : IDashboardAsyncAuthorizationFilter { public async Task AuthorizeAsync(DashboardContext context) { await using var scope = services.CreateAsyncScope(); await using var db = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService(); var clock = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService(); var httpContext = context.GetHttpContext(); if (!httpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("pronounscc-token", out var cookie)) return false; if (!AuthUtils.TryFromBase64String(cookie!, out var rawToken)) return false; var hash = SHA512.HashData(rawToken); var oauthToken = await db.Tokens .Include(t => t.Application) .Include(t => t.User) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Hash == hash && t.ExpiresAt > clock.GetCurrentInstant() && !t.ManuallyExpired); return oauthToken?.User.Role == UserRole.Admin; } }