{ "error": { "heading": "An error occurred", "validation": { "too-long": "Value is too long, maximum length is {{maxLength}}, current length is {{actualLength}}.", "too-short": "Value is too short, minimum length is {{minLength}}, current length is {{actualLength}}.", "disallowed-value": "The value <1>{{actualValue}} is not allowed here. Allowed values are: <4>{{allowedValues}}", "generic": "The value <1>{{actualValue}} is not allowed here. Reason: {{reason}}", "generic-no-value": "The value you entered is not allowed here. Reason: {{reason}}" }, "errors": { "authentication-error": "There was an error validating your credentials.", "authentication-required": "You need to log in.", "bad-request": "Server rejected your input, please check anything for errors.", "forbidden": "You are not allowed to perform that action.", "generic-error": "An unknown error occurred.", "internal-server-error": "Server experienced an internal error, please try again later.", "member-not-found": "Member not found, please check your spelling and try again.", "user-not-found": "User not found, please check your spelling and try again." }, "title": "Error" }, "navbar": { "view-profile": "View profile", "settings": "Settings", "log-out": "Log out", "log-in": "Log in or sign up", "theme": "Theme", "theme-auto": "Automatic", "theme-dark": "Dark", "theme-light": "Light" }, "log-in": { "callback": { "title": { "discord-success": "Log in with Discord", "discord-register": "Register with Discord" }, "success": "Successfully logged in!", "success-link": "Welcome back, <1>@{{username}}!", "redirect-hint": "If you're not redirected to your profile in a few seconds, press the link above.", "remote-username": { "discord": "Your discord username" }, "username": "Username", "sign-up-button": "Sign up", "invalid-ticket": "Invalid ticket (it might have been too long since you logged in with Discord), please <2>try again.", "invalid-username": "Invalid username", "username-taken": "That username is already taken, please try something else." }, "title": "Log in", "form-title": "Log in with email", "email": "Email address", "password": "Password", "log-in-button": "Log in", "register-with-email": "Register with email", "3rd-party": { "title": "Log in with another service", "desc": "If you prefer, you can also log in with one of these services:", "discord": "Log in with Discord", "google": "Log in with Google", "tumblr": "Log in with Tumblr" }, "invalid-credentials": "Invalid email address or password, please check your spelling and try again." }, "welcome": { "title": "Welcome", "header": "Welcome to pronouns.cc!", "customize-profile": "Customize your profile", "create-members": "Create members", "custom-preferences": "Customize your preferences", "profile-button": "Go to your profile" } }