Compare commits
No commits in common. "2a66e3e25e1393e4bbf494b6238546fa5ccbaaf8" and "562ecc46bd64ae1142cb203c86944e50dc148687" have entirely different histories.
14 changed files with 45 additions and 204 deletions
@ -22,27 +22,19 @@ public class MetaController : ApiControllerBase
new Limits(
MemberCount: MembersController.MaxMemberCount,
BioLength: ValidationUtils.MaxBioLength,
CustomPreferences: UsersController.MaxCustomPreferences))
BioLength: ValidationUtils.MaxBioLength))
public IActionResult BrewCoffee() => Problem("Sorry, I'm a teapot!", statusCode: StatusCodes.Status418ImATeapot);
private record MetaResponse(
string Repository,
string Version,
string Hash,
int Members,
UserInfo Users,
Limits Limits);
private record MetaResponse(string Repository, string Version, string Hash, int Members, UserInfo Users, Limits Limits);
private record UserInfo(int Total, int ActiveMonth, int ActiveWeek, int ActiveDay);
// All limits that the frontend should know about (for UI purposes)
private record Limits(
int MemberCount,
int BioLength,
int CustomPreferences);
int BioLength);
@ -177,16 +177,14 @@ public class UsersController(
public bool Favourite { get; set; }
public const int MaxCustomPreferences = 25;
private static List<(string, ValidationError?)> ValidateCustomPreferences(
List<CustomPreferencesUpdateRequest> preferences)
var errors = new List<(string, ValidationError?)>();
if (preferences.Count > MaxCustomPreferences)
if (preferences.Count > 25)
ValidationError.LengthError("Too many custom preferences", 0, MaxCustomPreferences, preferences.Count)));
ValidationError.LengthError("Too many custom preferences", 0, 25, preferences.Count)));
if (preferences.Count > 50) return errors;
// TODO: validate individual preferences
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ public class UserRendererService(DatabaseContext db, MemberRendererService membe
user.Names, user.Pronouns, user.Fields, user.CustomPreferences,
flags.Select(f => RenderPrideFlag(f.PrideFlag)),
renderMembers ? members.Select(m => memberRenderer.RenderPartialMember(m, tokenHidden)) : null,
? authMethods.Select(a => new AuthenticationMethodResponse(
@ -79,8 +78,6 @@ public class UserRendererService(DatabaseContext db, MemberRendererService membe
IEnumerable<Field> Fields,
Dictionary<Snowflake, User.CustomPreference> CustomPreferences,
IEnumerable<PrideFlagResponse> Flags,
[property: JsonConverter(typeof(ScreamingSnakeCaseEnumConverter))]
UserRole Role,
[property: JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
IEnumerable<MemberRendererService.PartialMember>? Members,
[property: JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
@ -7,8 +7,13 @@ namespace Foxnouns.Backend.Utils;
/// <summary>
/// Static methods for validating user input (mostly making sure it's not too short or too long)
/// </summary>
public static partial class ValidationUtils
public static class ValidationUtils
private static readonly Regex UsernameRegex = new("^[\\w-.]{2,40}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
private static readonly Regex MemberRegex =
new("^[^@\\?!#/\\\\[\\]\"\\{\\}'$%&()+<=>^|~`,\\*]{1,100}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
private static readonly string[] InvalidUsernames =
@ -35,7 +40,7 @@ public static partial class ValidationUtils
public static ValidationError? ValidateUsername(string username)
if (!UsernameRegex().IsMatch(username))
if (!UsernameRegex.IsMatch(username))
return username.Length switch
< 2 => ValidationError.LengthError("Username is too short", 2, 40, username.Length),
@ -52,7 +57,7 @@ public static partial class ValidationUtils
public static ValidationError? ValidateMemberName(string memberName)
if (!MemberRegex().IsMatch(memberName))
if (!MemberRegex.IsMatch(memberName))
return memberName.Length switch
< 1 => ValidationError.LengthError("Name is too short", 1, 100, memberName.Length),
@ -123,7 +128,7 @@ public static partial class ValidationUtils
public const int MaxBioLength = 1024;
public static ValidationError? ValidateBio(string? bio)
return bio?.Length switch
@ -286,9 +291,4 @@ public static partial class ValidationUtils
return errors;
[GeneratedRegex(@"^[a-zA-Z_0-9\-\.]{2,40}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, "en-NL")]
private static partial Regex UsernameRegex();
[GeneratedRegex("""^[^@'$%&()+<=>^|~`,*!#/\\\[\]""\{\}\?]{1,100}$""", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, "en-NL")]
private static partial Regex MemberRegex();
@ -27,8 +27,3 @@
max-width: 200px;
border-radius: 3px;
// This is necessary for line breaks in translation strings to show up. Don't ask me why
.text-has-newline {
white-space: pre-line;
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
export default function AvatarImage({
}: {
src: string;
width: number;
alt: string;
lazyLoad?: boolean;
}) {
return (
className="rounded-circle img-fluid"
loading={lazyLoad ? "lazy" : "eager"}
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import ProfileLink from "~/components/profile/ProfileLink";
import ProfileField from "~/components/profile/ProfileField";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import { renderMarkdown } from "~/lib/markdown";
import AvatarImage from "~/components/profile/AvatarImage";
export type Props = {
name: string;
@ -32,16 +31,20 @@ export default function BaseProfile({
<div className="row">
<div className="col-md-4 text-center">
{userI18nKeys ? (
src={profile.avatar_url || defaultAvatarUrl}
alt={t("user.avatar-alt", { username: name })}
className="rounded-circle img-fluid"
) : (
src={profile.avatar_url || defaultAvatarUrl}
alt={t("member.avatar-alt", { name: name })}
className="rounded-circle img-fluid"
{profile.flags && && (
@ -8,11 +8,9 @@ export default interface Meta {
active_day: number;
members: number;
limits: Limits;
export type Limits = {
member_count: number;
bio_length: number;
custom_preferences: number;
@ -14,14 +14,6 @@ export type User = PartialUser & {
pronouns: Pronoun[];
fields: Field[];
flags: PrideFlag[];
role: "USER" | "MODERATOR" | "ADMIN";
export type MeUser = UserWithMembers & {
auth_methods: AuthMethod[];
member_list_hidden: boolean;
last_active: string;
last_sid_reroll: string;
export type UserWithMembers = User & { members: PartialMember[] };
@ -66,14 +58,6 @@ export type PrideFlag = {
description: string | null;
export type AuthMethod = {
id: string;
remote_id: string;
remote_username?: string;
fediverse_instance?: string;
export type CustomPreference = {
icon: string;
tooltip: string;
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import { defaultAvatarUrl } from "~/lib/utils";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import { OverlayTrigger, Tooltip } from "react-bootstrap";
import { Lock } from "react-bootstrap-icons";
import AvatarImage from "~/components/profile/AvatarImage";
export default function MemberCard({ user, member }: { user: PartialUser; member: PartialMember }) {
const { t } = useTranslation();
@ -38,11 +37,13 @@ export default function MemberCard({ user, member }: { user: PartialUser; member
return (
<div className="col">
<Link to={`/@${user.username}/${}`}>
src={member.avatar_url || defaultAvatarUrl}
alt={t("user.member-avatar-alt", { name: })}
className="rounded-circle img-fluid"
<p className="m-2">
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {
} from "@remix-run/react";
import { Trans, useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import { Form, Button, Alert } from "react-bootstrap";
@ -1,94 +1,30 @@
import { Button, Form, InputGroup, Table } from "react-bootstrap";
import { Table } from "react-bootstrap";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import { Form as RemixForm, useActionData, useRouteLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import { useLoaderData, useRouteLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import { loader as settingsLoader } from "../settings/route";
import { loader as rootLoader } from "../../root";
import { DateTime } from "luxon";
import { defaultAvatarUrl, idTimestamp } from "~/lib/utils";
import { ExclamationTriangleFill, InfoCircleFill } from "react-bootstrap-icons";
import AvatarImage from "~/components/profile/AvatarImage";
import { ActionFunctionArgs, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { type ApiError, ErrorCode, firstErrorFor } from "~/lib/api/error";
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, json } from "@remix-run/node";
import serverRequest, { getToken } from "~/lib/request.server";
import { MeUser } from "~/lib/api/user";
import ErrorAlert from "~/components/ErrorAlert";
import { PartialMember } from "~/lib/api/user";
import { limits } from "~/env.server";
import { DateTime } from "luxon";
import { idTimestamp } from "~/lib/utils";
export const action = async ({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
const data = await request.formData();
const username = data.get("username") as string | null;
export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const token = getToken(request);
if (!username) {
return json({
error: {
status: 403,
code: ErrorCode.BadRequest,
message: "Invalid username",
} as ApiError,
user: null,
try {
const resp = await serverRequest<MeUser>("PATCH", "/users/@me", { body: { username }, token });
return json({ user: resp, error: null });
} catch (e) {
return json({ error: e as ApiError, user: null });
const members = await serverRequest<PartialMember[]>("GET", "/users/@me/members", { token });
return json({ members, maxMemberCount: limits.member_count });
export default function SettingsIndex() {
const { members, maxMemberCount } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
const { user } = useRouteLoaderData<typeof settingsLoader>("routes/settings")!;
const actionData = useActionData<typeof action>();
const { meta } = useRouteLoaderData<typeof rootLoader>("root")!;
const { t } = useTranslation();
const createdAt = idTimestamp(;
return (
<div className="row">
<div className="col-md">
<RemixForm method="POST">
<Form as="div">
<Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="username">
<InputGroup className="m-1 w-75">
<Button variant="secondary" type="submit">
<p className="text-muted text-has-newline">
<InfoCircleFill /> {t("settings.general.username-change-hint")}
{actionData?.error && <UsernameUpdateError error={actionData.error} />}
<div className="col-md text-center">
src={user.avatar_url || defaultAvatarUrl}
alt={t("user.avatar-alt", { username: user.username })}
<Table striped bordered hover>
<Table striped bordered>
<th scope="row">{t("")}</th>
@ -103,23 +39,7 @@ export default function SettingsIndex() {
<th scope="row">{t("settings.general.member-count")}</th>
<th scope="row">{t("settings.general.member-list-hidden")}</th>
<td>{user.member_list_hidden ? t("yes") : t("no")}</td>
<th scope="row">{t("settings.general.custom-preferences")}</th>
<th scope="row">{t("settings.general.role")}</th>
@ -127,18 +47,3 @@ export default function SettingsIndex() {
function UsernameUpdateError({ error }: { error: ApiError }) {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const usernameError = firstErrorFor(error, "username");
if (!usernameError) {
return <ErrorAlert error={error} />;
return (
<p className="text-danger-emphasis text-has-newline">
<ExclamationTriangleFill />{" "}
{t("settings.general.username-update-error", { message: usernameError.message })}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, json, redirect, MetaFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
import i18n from "~/i18next.server";
import serverRequest, { getToken } from "~/lib/request.server";
import { MeUser } from "~/lib/api/user";
import { User } from "~/lib/api/user";
import { Link, Outlet, useLocation } from "@remix-run/react";
import { Nav } from "react-bootstrap";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export const loader = async ({ request }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
if (token) {
try {
const user = await serverRequest<MeUser>("GET", "/users/@me", { token });
const user = await serverRequest<User>("GET", "/users/@me", { token });
return json({ user, meta: { title: t("settings.title") } });
} catch (e) {
return redirect("/auth/log-in");
@ -92,18 +92,9 @@
"settings": {
"general": {
"username": "Username",
"change-username": "Change username",
"username-change-hint": "Changing your username will make any existing links to your or your members' profiles invalid.\nYour username must be unique, be at most 40 characters long, and only contain letters from the basic English alphabet, dashes, underscores, and periods. Your username is used as part of your profile link, you can set a separate display name.",
"log-out-everywhere": "Log out everywhere",
"table-header": "General account information",
"id": "Your user ID",
"created": "Account created at",
"member-count": "Members",
"member-list-hidden": "Member list hidden?",
"custom-preferences": "Custom preferences",
"role": "Account role",
"username-update-error": "Could not update your username as the new username is invalid:\n{{message}}"
"member-count": "Members"
"title": "Settings",
"nav": {
@ -113,7 +104,5 @@
"authentication": "Authentication",
"export": "Export your data"
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No"
Reference in a new issue