refactor: add DatabaseContext.GetToken method
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 51 additions and 35 deletions
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class EmailAuthController(
if (!req.Email.Contains('@')) throw new ApiError.BadRequest("Email is invalid", "email", req.Email);
var state = await keyCacheService.GenerateRegisterEmailStateAsync(req.Email, userId: null, ct);
// If there's already a user with that email address, pretend we sent an email but actually ignore it
if (await db.AuthMethods.AnyAsync(a => a.AuthType == AuthType.Email && a.RemoteId == req.Email, ct))
return NoContent();
@ -40,55 +40,53 @@ public class EmailAuthController(
public async Task<IActionResult> CallbackAsync([FromBody] CallbackRequest req, CancellationToken ct = default)
public async Task<IActionResult> CallbackAsync([FromBody] CallbackRequest req)
var state = await keyCacheService.GetRegisterEmailStateAsync(req.State, ct);
var state = await keyCacheService.GetRegisterEmailStateAsync(req.State);
if (state == null) throw new ApiError.BadRequest("Invalid state", "state", req.State);
// If this callback is for an existing user, add the email address to their auth methods
if (state.ExistingUserId != null)
var authMethod =
await authService.AddAuthMethodAsync(state.ExistingUserId.Value, AuthType.Email, state.Email, ct: ct);
await authService.AddAuthMethodAsync(state.ExistingUserId.Value, AuthType.Email, state.Email);
_logger.Debug("Added email auth {AuthId} for user {UserId}", authMethod.Id, state.ExistingUserId);
return NoContent();
var ticket = AuthUtils.RandomToken();
await keyCacheService.SetKeyAsync($"email:{ticket}", state.Email, Duration.FromMinutes(20), ct);
await keyCacheService.SetKeyAsync($"email:{ticket}", state.Email, Duration.FromMinutes(20));
return Ok(new AuthController.CallbackResponse(false, ticket, state.Email));
public async Task<IActionResult> CompleteRegistrationAsync([FromBody] CompleteRegistrationRequest req,
CancellationToken ct = default)
public async Task<IActionResult> CompleteRegistrationAsync([FromBody] CompleteRegistrationRequest req)
var email = await keyCacheService.GetKeyAsync($"email:{req.Ticket}", ct: ct);
var email = await keyCacheService.GetKeyAsync($"email:{req.Ticket}");
if (email == null) throw new ApiError.BadRequest("Unknown ticket", "ticket", req.Ticket);
// Check if username is valid at all
ValidationUtils.Validate([("username", ValidationUtils.ValidateUsername(req.Username))]);
// Check if username is already taken
if (await db.Users.AnyAsync(u => u.Username == req.Username, ct))
if (await db.Users.AnyAsync(u => u.Username == req.Username))
throw new ApiError.BadRequest("Username is already taken", "username", req.Username);
var user = await authService.CreateUserWithPasswordAsync(req.Username, email, req.Password, ct);
var frontendApp = await db.GetFrontendApplicationAsync(ct);
var user = await authService.CreateUserWithPasswordAsync(req.Username, email, req.Password);
var frontendApp = await db.GetFrontendApplicationAsync();
var (tokenStr, token) =
authService.GenerateToken(user, frontendApp, ["*"], clock.GetCurrentInstant() + Duration.FromDays(365));
await db.SaveChangesAsync(ct);
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
// Specifically do *not* pass the CancellationToken so we don't cancel the rendering after creating the user account.
await keyCacheService.DeleteKeyAsync($"email:{req.Ticket}", ct: default);
await keyCacheService.DeleteKeyAsync($"email:{req.Ticket}");
return Ok(new AuthController.AuthResponse(
await userRenderer.RenderUserAsync(user, selfUser: user, renderMembers: false, ct: default),
await userRenderer.RenderUserAsync(user, selfUser: user, renderMembers: false),
@ -40,16 +40,10 @@ public partial class InternalController(DatabaseContext db, IClock clock) : Cont
template = GetCleanedTemplate(template);
// If no token was supplied, or it isn't valid base 64, return a null user ID (limiting by IP)
if (req.Token == null) return Ok(new RequestDataResponse(null, template));
if (!AuthUtils.TryFromBase64String(req.Token, out var rawToken))
if (!AuthUtils.TryParseToken(req.Token, out var rawToken))
return Ok(new RequestDataResponse(null, template));
var hash = SHA512.HashData(rawToken);
var oauthToken = await db.Tokens
.Include(t => t.Application)
.Include(t => t.User)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Hash == hash && t.ExpiresAt > clock.GetCurrentInstant() && !t.ManuallyExpired);
var oauthToken = await db.GetToken(rawToken);
return Ok(new RequestDataResponse(oauthToken?.UserId, template));
@ -105,4 +105,18 @@ public static class DatabaseQueryExtensions
await context.SaveChangesAsync(ct);
return app;
public static async Task<Token?> GetToken(this DatabaseContext context, byte[] rawToken,
CancellationToken ct = default)
var hash = SHA512.HashData(rawToken);
var oauthToken = await context.Tokens
.Include(t => t.Application)
.Include(t => t.User)
t => t.Hash == hash && t.ExpiresAt > SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant() && !t.ManuallyExpired,
return oauthToken;
@ -20,18 +20,13 @@ public class AuthenticationMiddleware(DatabaseContext db, IClock clock) : IMiddl
var header = ctx.Request.Headers.Authorization.ToString();
if (!AuthUtils.TryFromBase64String(header, out var rawToken))
if (!AuthUtils.TryParseToken(ctx.Request.Headers.Authorization.ToString(), out var rawToken))
await next(ctx);
var hash = SHA512.HashData(rawToken);
var oauthToken = await db.Tokens
.Include(t => t.Application)
.Include(t => t.User)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Hash == hash && t.ExpiresAt > clock.GetCurrentInstant() && !t.ManuallyExpired);
var oauthToken = await db.GetToken(rawToken);
if (oauthToken == null)
await next(ctx);
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ public class AuthService(IClock clock, DatabaseContext db, ISnowflakeGenerator s
/// Creates a new user with the given email address and password.
/// This method does <i>not</i> save the resulting user, the caller must still call <see cref="M:Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext.SaveChanges" />.
/// </summary>
public async Task<User> CreateUserWithPasswordAsync(string username, string email, string password, CancellationToken ct = default)
public async Task<User> CreateUserWithPasswordAsync(string username, string email, string password,
CancellationToken ct = default)
var user = new User
@ -76,16 +77,19 @@ public class AuthService(IClock clock, DatabaseContext db, ISnowflakeGenerator s
/// <returns>A tuple of the authenticated user and whether multi-factor authentication is required</returns>
/// <exception cref="ApiError.NotFound">Thrown if the email address is not associated with any user
/// or if the password is incorrect</exception>
public async Task<(User, EmailAuthenticationResult)> AuthenticateUserAsync(string email, string password, CancellationToken ct = default)
public async Task<(User, EmailAuthenticationResult)> AuthenticateUserAsync(string email, string password,
CancellationToken ct = default)
var user = await db.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u =>
u.AuthMethods.Any(a => a.AuthType == AuthType.Email && a.RemoteId == email), ct);
if (user == null)
throw new ApiError.NotFound("No user with that email address found, or password is incorrect", ErrorCode.UserNotFound);
throw new ApiError.NotFound("No user with that email address found, or password is incorrect",
var pwResult = await Task.Run(() => _passwordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword(user, user.Password!, password), ct);
if (pwResult == PasswordVerificationResult.Failed) // TODO: this seems to fail on some valid passwords?
throw new ApiError.NotFound("No user with that email address found, or password is incorrect", ErrorCode.UserNotFound);
throw new ApiError.NotFound("No user with that email address found, or password is incorrect",
if (pwResult == PasswordVerificationResult.SuccessRehashNeeded)
user.Password = await Task.Run(() => _passwordHasher.HashPassword(user, password), ct);
@ -79,6 +79,17 @@ public static class AuthUtils
return false;
public static bool TryParseToken(string? input, out byte[] rawToken)
rawToken = [];
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) return false;
if (input.StartsWith("bearer ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
input = input["bearer ".Length..];
return TryFromBase64String(input, out rawToken);
public static string RandomToken(int bytes = 48) =>
Reference in a new issue