"too-long":"Value is too long, maximum length is {{maxLength}}, current length is {{actualLength}}.",
"too-short":"Value is too short, minimum length is {{minLength}}, current length is {{actualLength}}.",
"disallowed-value":"The value <1>{{actualValue}}</1> is not allowed here. Allowed values are: <4>{{allowedValues}}</4>",
"generic":"The value <1>{{actualValue}}</1> is not allowed here. Reason: {{reason}}",
"generic-no-value":"The value you entered is not allowed here. Reason: {{reason}}"
"authentication-error":"There was an error validating your credentials.",
"authentication-required":"You need to log in.",
"bad-request":"Server rejected your input, please check anything for errors.",
"forbidden":"You are not allowed to perform that action.",
"generic-error":"An unknown error occurred.",
"internal-server-error":"Server experienced an internal error, please try again later.",
"member-not-found":"Member not found, please check your spelling and try again.",
"user-not-found":"User not found, please check your spelling and try again."
"title":"An error occurred",
"more-info":"Click here for a more detailed error"
"view-profile":"View profile",
"log-out":"Log out",
"log-in":"Log in or sign up"
"member-avatar-alt":"Avatar for {{name}}",
"member-hidden":"This member is unlisted, and not shown in your public member list.",
"own-profile-alert":"You are currently viewing your <1>public</1> profile.<3></3><4>Edit your profile</4>",
"avatar-alt":"Avatar for @{{username}}",
"create-member-button":"Create member",
"no-members-blurb":"You don't have any members yet.<1></1>Members are sub-profiles that can have their own avatar, names, pronouns, and preferred terms.<3></3>You can create a new member with the \"Create member\" button above. <6>(only you can see this)</6>"