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2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
import { PassThrough } from "stream";
import { createReadableStreamFromReadable, type EntryContext } from "@remix-run/node";
import { RemixServer } from "@remix-run/react";
import { isbot } from "isbot";
import { renderToPipeableStream } from "react-dom/server";
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
import { createInstance } from "i18next";
import i18next from "./i18next.server";
import { I18nextProvider, initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-fs-backend";
import i18n from "./i18n"; // your i18n configuration file
import { resolve } from "node:path";
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
const ABORT_DELAY = 5000;
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
export default async function handleRequest(
request: Request,
responseStatusCode: number,
responseHeaders: Headers,
remixContext: EntryContext,
) {
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
const callbackName = isbot(request.headers.get("user-agent")) ? "onAllReady" : "onShellReady";
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
const instance = createInstance();
const lng = await i18next.getLocale(request);
const ns = i18next.getRouteNamespaces(remixContext);
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
await instance
.use(initReactI18next) // Tell our instance to use react-i18next
.use(Backend) // Set up our backend
...i18n, // spread the configuration
lng, // The locale we detected above
ns, // The namespaces the routes about to render wants to use
backend: { loadPath: resolve("./public/locales/{{lng}}.json") },
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
let didError = false;
const { pipe, abort } = renderToPipeableStream(
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
<I18nextProvider i18n={instance}>
<RemixServer context={remixContext} url={request.url} />
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
[callbackName]: () => {
const body = new PassThrough();
const stream = createReadableStreamFromReadable(body);
responseHeaders.set("Content-Type", "text/html");
new Response(stream, {
headers: responseHeaders,
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
status: didError ? 500 : responseStatusCode,
onShellError(error: unknown) {
onError(error: unknown) {
2024-09-10 20:33:22 +02:00
didError = true;
setTimeout(abort, ABORT_DELAY);