2024-06-04 17:38:59 +02:00
using System.Security.Cryptography ;
using Foxnouns.Backend.Database ;
using Foxnouns.Backend.Database.Models ;
using Foxnouns.Backend.Utils ;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity ;
2024-06-12 03:47:20 +02:00
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore ;
2024-06-04 17:38:59 +02:00
using NodaTime ;
namespace Foxnouns.Backend.Services ;
public class AuthService ( ILogger logger , DatabaseContext db , ISnowflakeGenerator snowflakeGenerator )
private readonly PasswordHasher < User > _passwordHasher = new ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new user with the given email address and password.
/// This method does <i>not</i> save the resulting user, the caller must still call <see cref="M:Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext.SaveChanges" />.
/// </summary>
public async Task < User > CreateUserWithPasswordAsync ( string username , string email , string password )
var user = new User
Id = snowflakeGenerator . GenerateSnowflake ( ) ,
Username = username ,
AuthMethods = { new AuthMethod { Id = snowflakeGenerator . GenerateSnowflake ( ) , AuthType = AuthType . Email , RemoteId = email } }
} ;
db . Add ( user ) ;
user . Password = await Task . Run ( ( ) = > _passwordHasher . HashPassword ( user , password ) ) ;
return user ;
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public async Task < User > AuthenticateUserAsync ( string email , string password )
var user = await db . Users . FirstOrDefaultAsync ( u = > u . AuthMethods . Any ( a = > a . AuthType = = AuthType . Email & & a . RemoteId = = email ) ) ;
if ( user = = null ) throw new ApiError . NotFound ( "No user with that email address found, or password is incorrect" ) ;
var pwResult = await Task . Run ( ( ) = > _passwordHasher . VerifyHashedPassword ( user , user . Password ! , password ) ) ;
if ( pwResult = = PasswordVerificationResult . Failed )
throw new ApiError . NotFound ( "No user with that email address found, or password is incorrect" ) ;
if ( pwResult = = PasswordVerificationResult . SuccessRehashNeeded )
user . Password = await Task . Run ( ( ) = > _passwordHasher . HashPassword ( user , password ) ) ;
await db . SaveChangesAsync ( ) ;
return user ;
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public ( string , Token ) GenerateToken ( User user , Application application , string [ ] scopes , Instant expires )
if ( ! OauthUtils . ValidateScopes ( application , scopes ) )
throw new ApiError . BadRequest ( "Invalid scopes requested for this token" ) ;
var ( token , hash ) = GenerateToken ( ) ;
return ( token , new Token
Id = snowflakeGenerator . GenerateSnowflake ( ) ,
Hash = hash ,
Application = application ,
User = user ,
ExpiresAt = expires ,
Scopes = scopes
} ) ;
private static ( string , byte [ ] ) GenerateToken ( )
var token = OauthUtils . RandomToken ( 48 ) ;
var hash = SHA512 . HashData ( Convert . FromBase64String ( token ) ) ;
return ( token , hash ) ;