2024-09-25 15:14:48 +02:00
@use "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap" with (
$color-mode-type: media-query,
2024-09-25 16:43:53 +02:00
$font-family-sans-serif: (
"Segoe UI",
"Helvetica Neue",
"Noto Sans",
"Liberation Sans",
"Apple Color Emoji",
"Segoe UI Emoji",
"Segoe UI Symbol",
"Noto Color Emoji",
2024-09-25 15:14:48 +02:00
2024-09-05 22:29:12 +02:00
2024-11-24 15:55:29 +01:00
@import "bootstrap-icons/font/bootstrap-icons.css";
2024-09-05 22:29:12 +02:00
@import "@fontsource/firago/400.css";
@import "@fontsource/firago/400-italic.css";
2024-09-06 15:01:44 +02:00
@import "@fontsource/firago/700.css";
2024-11-24 15:55:29 +01:00
@import "@fontsource/firago/700-italic.css";
2024-11-24 17:36:02 +01:00
// This is necessary for line breaks in translation strings to show up. Don't ask me why
.text-has-newline {
white-space: pre-line;
2024-11-25 21:43:11 +01:00
// Make tippy tooltips look like bootstrap's
.tippy-box {
padding: bootstrap.$spacer * 0.25 bootstrap.$spacer * 0.5;
opacity: 0.9;
color: var(--bs-body-bg);
background-color: var(--bs-emphasis-color);
border-radius: var(--bs-border-radius);
2024-11-24 17:36:02 +01:00
// Add breakpoint-dependent w-{size} utilities
// Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47760132/any-way-to-get-breakpoint-specific-width-classes
@each $breakpoint in map-keys(bootstrap.$grid-breakpoints) {
@each $size, $length in (25: 25%, 50: 50%, 75: 75%, 100: 100%) {
@include bootstrap.media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
.w-#{$breakpoint}-#{$size} {
width: $length !important;
2024-12-14 00:51:17 +01:00
// Give identicons a background distinguishable from the page
.identicon {
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
background-color: var(--bs-secondary-border-subtle);
background-color: var(--bs-light-border-subtle);
.profile-flag {
height: 1.5rem;
max-width: 200px;
border-radius: 3px;